regina lasko
Regina Lasko known for as one of the most indefinable icon girlfriend’s in the world. CBC late Show Host, David Letterman is seemed to be a well-earning millionaire who although its financial value does not affect with current hot chick each duo of the months. The showman had known just known with Regina Lasko since in the year 1989 and lived together in North Salem, New York as of 2001. Regina by herself is just David girlfriend, however, they have a son in the person of Harry together and David look as if he gave importance her above whatever thing else.
With this utmost desire, catching Regina’s picture was hardly to catch up. It is because David makes it privately to his family and few of them know it. However, David said that he’s got his lovable girlfriend whatever issue he got up.
What’s important right now, after a long series of love relationship is David got married with his girlfriend just this March 2009.
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